Sustainability Reporting for Singapore Businesses

Sustainability Reporting for Singapore Businesses

Sustainability Reporting for Singapore Businesses

  • Posted by kalyani
  • On May 8, 2024


Dominique Tan
Partner - International Assurance

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In an era where environmental consciousness is no longer a mere buzzword but a critical aspect of corporate responsibility, Singaporean businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability reporting. As the global call for environmental stewardship grows louder, Singapore is accelerating this momentum to showcase their commitment to sustainable practices by mandating climate disclosures for listed companies starting in 2025. This initiative supports sustainability efforts by providing crucial information on climate-related risks and strategies, covering areas like greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation strategies. It underscores Singapore’s commitment to promoting environmental stewardship and responsible business practices.

In Singapore, adoption of global sustainability standards is crucial for promoting transparency and responsible business practices. Key standards include the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework for sustainability reporting, United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ISO 14001 for environmental management, and Fairtrade certification for ethical trade. These standards guide businesses towards sustainability, addressing environmental impact and social responsibility to build a resilient economy focused on conservation and social well-being. This article delves into the facts and data surrounding sustainability reporting, shedding light on the burgeoning trend among businesses in the Lion City.

The State of Sustainability Reporting in Singapore

Regulatory Framework

Singapore has positioned itself as a regional leader in sustainable business practices. The country’s regulatory bodies, including the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and the Singapore Exchange (SGX), have encouraged and, in some cases, mandated sustainability reporting. The SGX has implemented the Sustainability Reporting Guide, urging listed companies to disclose their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

Growing Adoption

The adoption of sustainability reporting is gaining momentum across various sectors. According to a 2023 survey by the Singapore Institute of Directors (SID), over 70% of listed companies now engage in some form of sustainability reporting, showcasing a significant uptick compared to previous years.

Global Recognition

Singaporean businesses are not just embracing sustainability reporting for local compliance but are also seeking global recognition. Many are aligning their reporting practices with international frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to enhance their global standing and appeal to socially responsible investors.

Sector-Specific Initiatives

Certain industries are taking a proactive approach to sustainability reporting. Real estate and manufacturing companies, in particular, are leading the charge, recognizing the long-term benefits of sustainable practices in both cost savings and reputation enhancement.

Benefits of Sustainability Reporting for Singaporean Companies

Sustainability reporting stands as a cornerstone for companies in Singapore, offering a multitude of advantages that extend beyond mere compliance. In today’s business environment, where transparency and accountability are paramount, sustainability reporting enables companies to focus on crucial environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues while ensuring open communication with stakeholders.

Building Trust through Transparency

A primary advantage of sustainability reporting is its role in fostering trust among various stakeholders, including customers, investors, and the community. By substantiating their commitment to sustainability with tangible progress and achievements, companies can positively influence their bottom line. Transparent communication becomes a catalyst for building lasting relationships and establishing credibility in an increasingly socially conscious market.

Enhancing Risk Management

Sustainability reporting is not just a reporting exercise; it directly contributes to robust risk management strategies. It enhances a company’s resilience by promoting transparency, collaboration, and proactive identification and mitigation of social and environmental risks. Modern organizations, often supported by accounting firms in Singapore, recognize the invaluable role of strategic sustainability reporting in effectively managing risks associated with a rapidly evolving business landscape.

Aligning Sustainability with Profitability

A paradigm shift has occurred, with companies realizing that sustainability and profitability are not mutually exclusive. Achieving sustainability goals positively impacts operational efficiency, resulting in cost savings and increased profitability. Research substantiates that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors contribute significantly to operational efficiency. This dual focus on sustainability and profitability is an attractive proposition for businesses, resonating with eco-conscious clients and aiding in employee retention.

Legal Compliance: A Strategic Imperative

For listed companies in Singapore, sustainability reporting is no longer a choice; it is a mandated requirement. Annual sustainability reports are essential to comply with legal regulations and international standards. Non-compliance not only invites regulatory penalties but also poses reputational risks for companies navigating an environment where sustainability is becoming a pivotal factor for both investors and consumers.

Strategic Advantage in a Sustainable Future

Beyond regulatory obligations, meeting legal compliance in sustainability reporting is a strategic advantage for companies aiming to thrive in the sustainable future. As sustainability gains prominence in investment decisions and consumer choices, companies that proactively engage in meaningful sustainability reporting position themselves not only as compliant entities but as leaders in the drive towards a more sustainable and responsible business landscape. Embracing sustainability reporting is not just a necessity; it is an opportunity for companies to thrive in a future where sustainability is integral to success.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the positive momentum, challenges exist, including the need for standardized metrics and the cost of data collection. However, these challenges present opportunities for innovation and collaboration within industries to develop common sustainability reporting practices.


As Singapore continues its journey towards becoming a global hub for sustainable business practices, the role of sustainability reporting cannot be overstated. The convergence of regulatory support, global recognition, and investor influence positions sustainability reporting as a key driver for the transformation of the business landscape. Companies that embrace this shift not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also stand to benefit from enhanced brand reputation, investor trust, and long-term financial resilience. The green horizon beckons, and Singaporean businesses are well on their way to navigating it with purpose and commitment.



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