Understanding the Key Changes to New Edition of the International Valuation Standards (IVS)

Understanding the Key Changes to New Edition of the International Valuation Standards (IVS)

Understanding the Key Changes to New Edition of the International Valuation Standards (IVS)

  • Posted by kalyani
  • On May 23, 2024


Jason Pang
Partner - Valuation Services

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The International Valuation Standards (IVS) serve as a globally recognized framework for valuation professionals, and it provides guidance on best practices and principles in the valuation of various assets and liability classes. Recently, the IVS underwent significant updates with the release of new edition in January 2024 which marked a pivotal moment in the field of valuation. In this article, we will delve into the key changes introduced in the updated IVS and explore their implications for the affected stakeholders and the broader valuation landscape.

Effective Date of The Updated IVS

The updated IVS was officially published on 31 January 2024, and it is effective from 31 January 2025 which supersedes the previous version of the standards. This update represents the culmination of extensive collaboration and consultation among the valuation community and other relevant stakeholders, reflecting the need to address emerging challenges and align with evolving market practices.

Key Changes

Structured Valuation Framework

It introduces a more structured valuation framework, providing clarity on the key concepts, data and inputs, valuation models, and documentation requirements. This framework aims to standardize valuation practices and ensure consistency and quality across different valuation engagements.

Key Concepts

It clarifies key concepts such as fair value, market value, and intrinsic value, providing guidance on their interpretation and application in various valuation scenarios. This ensures a mutual understanding among different stakeholders and enhances the reliability of valuation outcomes.

Data and Inputs

It emphasizes the importance of using relevant and reliable data and inputs in the valuation process. This includes guidance on data sources, data quality assessment, and sensitivity analysis to evaluate the impact of different inputs on valuation outcomes.

Valuation Models

It provides guidance on the selection and application of valuation models based on the nature of the asset or liability being valued. This includes considerations for income approach, market approach, and cost approach, as well as specialized valuation techniques for financial instruments and intangible assets.

Valuation Process Quality Control

It introduces enhanced requirements for quality control in the valuation process. This includes measures to ensure independence, objectivity, and competence of valuation professionals, as well as documentation of key decisions and assumptions.


It includes detailed requirements for documentation of valuation engagements, including the rationale behind valuation assumptions, methodologies used, and sensitivity analysis performed. This documentation ensures transparency and accountability in the valuation process.

ESG Considerations

It incorporates considerations for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in the valuation process. This includes guidance on assessing the impact of ESG risks and opportunities on values and incorporating ESG disclosures into valuation reports.

Financial Instruments

It provides specific guidance on the valuation of complex financial instruments, including derivatives, structured products, and other securities. This includes considerations for market liquidity, credit risk, and other factors that may impact valuation outcomes.

Scope of Engagement

It clarifies the scope of valuation engagements, including the responsibilities of valuation professionals and the expectations of clients and other stakeholders. This ensures that valuation engagements are conducted with a clear understanding of the objectives and limitations of the valuation exercise.


It incorporates changes to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory requirements and international best practices. This includes alignment with accounting and financial reporting standards to facilitate consistency and comparability of valuation outcomes.

Reasons for the Changes

The changes introduced in the updated IVS are driven by several factors, including but not limited to the following:

  • Market Dynamics: The global economy is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected, with new asset classes, technologies, and regulatory requirements emerging regularly. The updated IVS aims to ensure that valuation practices remain relevant and adaptable to these changes.
  • Regulatory Developments: Regulatory bodies around the world are placing greater scrutiny on valuation practices, particularly in light of recent financial crises and corporate scandals. The updated IVS incorporates feedback from regulators and industry stakeholders to align with evolving regulatory expectations.
  • Technological Advancements: The rapid pace of technological innovation is transforming the way assets are valued. The updated IVS reflects advancements in data analytics, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology, providing guidance on leveraging these tools to enhance valuation accuracy and efficiency.

Affected Stakeholders

The changes introduced in the updated IVS have implications for a wide range of stakeholders, including but not limited to the following:

  • Valuation Professionals: Valuation professionals are directly impacted by the updated standards, as they are responsible for conducting valuations in accordance with the IVS. They should familiarize themselves with the changes and ensure compliance in their valuation practices.
  • Regulators: Regulatory bodies rely on the IVS as a reference framework for assessing the quality and reliability of valuations conducted by financial institutions, corporations, and other entities. The updated IVS provides regulators with updated guidance on best practices and industry guidelines.
  • Investors and Financial Institutions: Investors and financial institutions use valuations to make informed investment decisions, assess risk exposure, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The changes provide greater clarity and transparency in valuations, enhancing investor confidence and risk management practices.


The updated IVS represents a significant milestone in the evolution of valuation standards, reflecting the changing dynamics of the global business environment. By addressing emerging challenges such as climate risk, digital assets, and technological advancements, it equips valuation professionals with the necessary guidance to navigate complex valuation scenarios with greater confidence and accuracy. The incorporation of enhanced disclosure requirements and a focus on risk management and governance further enhances transparency and accountability in the valuation process, bolstering stakeholder trust and confidence.

As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected and dynamic, the need for robust and reliable valuation standards has never been greater. The updated IVS positions valuation professionals to meet the evolving needs of stakeholders, adapt to changing market conditions, and uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

In conclusion, the key changes introduced in the updated IVS represent a significant step forward for the valuation profession, aligning with the latest market trends, regulatory requirements, and technological advancements. By embracing these changes and adhering to the updated IVS, valuation professionals could effectively navigate the complexities of modern valuation practices and contribute to the continued growth and stability of the financial ecosystem.



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